Empowering Juvenile Justice Systems
Ensuring Success
Quest Case Management System
Flexible , Affordable, Reliable
The QUEST solution streamlines the juvenile justice system by unifying resources and consolidating tools into a central command center that operates from a single database. This comprehensive program links all disciplines within the framework of the judicial system to promote a united and effective approach to case management. The result is an information rich system committed to putting knowledge to work through efficiency, effectiveness and a standard of excellence.
QUEST can easily be customized to meet the specific needs of each court. Many QUEST clients begin with the functionality appropriate to their jurisdiction’s current procedures. Then, once those base needs are met, additional functionality can be implemented -- thereby taking full advantage of the comprehensive system. The design philosophy behind QUEST is to offer flexibility of fit as well as flexibility of function.
Unprecedented challenges demand an unparalleled solution:
For juvenile justice professionals – judges, prosecutors, probation officers, case workers, managers, social workers, and law enforcement and legal professionals – high stress and demanding requirements are nothing new. After all, young lives are at stake. In today’s environment, however, the stresses are greater than ever, as tight budgets grow even leaner, and elected officials and taxpayers – understandably – demand greater efficiency, more effective prevention and diversion programs, and demonstrable success in reducing juvenile crime.
A growing number of agencies are recognizing that the key to meeting these myriad challenges is information – up-to-date, accurate information that is easy to access, updated automatically, and integrated seamlessly among the many agencies and community partners who are involved in providing juvenile justice services.
At the same time, as caseworkers, managers, educators, and legal and medical professionals struggle with growing caseloads, they also need a more streamlined series of work processes that eliminate duplicated effort and miscommunication.
The Quest system is specifically designed to address these requirements. The Quest system offers a case management and information sharing technology that has been proven effective in individual juvenile agencies and – even more important – in streamlining and coordinating entire juvenile justice systems in jurisdictions of all sizes.